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  • No : 2918
  • 公開日時 : 2023/01/24 14:25
  • 印刷

I want to purchase a limited sale product that was released in the online store, but I cannot complete my member registration and place an order.

回答 Answer

Please note that access to our online shop may be more difficult than usual when limited edition products or high-profile products are on sale, and the registration process may be interrupted temporarily.
If you are unable to register as a member due to access concentration while purchasing a product, please give it some time and try again.
※The inventory of products in this online store is very fluid. While you are waiting for your order to be place, the inventory may changed due to other customers' orders.
※For some limited sales products, only "cash on delivery"「代金引換払い」 or "credit card" 「クレジット決済」payment may be available, and in such cases, you will need to register for membership before making a purchase.
For the above reasons, we recommend that you register as a member in advance rather than immediately prior to purchase.

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  営業時間: 平日 9:30~22:00
        土・日・祝 9:30~18:00


 ナビダイヤル: 0570-033-033

  営業時間: 月~金 9:30~18:00 (土日・祝日を除く)
