The information you have provide in this online shop includes the delivery address of the products. As the delivery address information is entrusted to the delivery company after the order has been placed, it is not possible to cancel the date and time specification and to accept the shortest possible delivery time.
Orders can only be cancelled within 30 minutes of placing an order and only if the order status is new order 「新規受注」or waiting for payment「入金待ち」.
To cancel your order, complete the order cancellation procedure by yourself and then place a new order with the date and time of your choice.
here to find out how to cancel your order.
Unfortunately, we are unable to change the date and time or cancel an order if more than 30 minutes have already passed since the order was placed or if the status of the order is Preparing for shipment or has already been paid for.
Kindly wait until your specified delivery date and time.