• No : 2786
  • 公開日時 : 2022/08/09 16:52
  • 印刷

I want to check if you have received my return after I sent it.

カテゴリー : 

回答 Answer

In order to prevent any possible mix-up of returned product(s), we don’t contact you immediately after the return arrives. We appreciate your understanding in advance.
You can check whether the returned product(s) has arrived at our warehouse by yourself based on the tracking number of the shipping company you used.
※As long as the delivery has been completed, your return has arrived without any problems.
Once we have received your return, we will send you either a "Notification of receipt of return"「ご返品受領のお知らせ」 or "We are contacting you regarding your return"「返品の件で、ご連絡申し上げます」 email. Kindly wait for a while until we contact you.