• No : 2884
  • 公開日時 : 2022/12/23 10:25
  • 印刷

I can’t participate in the drawing(lottery) with the message "An error has occurred. Invalid parameters"【CONFIRMED App】

回答 Answer

This section explains the cause of the error and its resolution.
  1. If your credit card has expired, has insufficient credit (debit balance), is not 3D secured, or is unusable in any other way, please check the expiration date, credit amount, balance, and 3D secure settings of your credit card and make another try for the drawing(lottery). If the problem remains, try applying for the drawing(lottery) again with a different credit card.
  2. When there is some kind of problem with your smartphone or tablet device
Please install the application on a different device and apply for the drawing(lottery) again.
  1. When the use of your account or device is restricted due to an event that we deem inappropriate, such as a violation of the CONFIRMED App Terms of Use.
You will not be able to participate in the drawing(lottery) if your device or account has been restricted.Thank you for your understanding in advance.