• No : 3081
  • 公開日時 : 2023/07/04 16:34
  • 印刷

What is the "security code" 「セキュリティコード」that I need to enter when I select credit card payment?

回答 Answer

The security code is the 3-digit number in the signature line on the back of the credit card or the 4-digit number in the upper right corner of the card number on the front. We ask you to enter this code as part of our security protection measures so that you can make purchases safely and securely.


The security code will be written in different places depending on the type of credit card you have.


■For VISA, MasterCard, and JCB cards:

The 3-digit number at the end of the signature line on the back of the card.


■For American Express (AMEX):

The 4-digit number in the upper right corner of the card number on the front of the card
