• No : 2939
  • 公開日時 : 2023/03/02 18:52
  • 印刷

I was in the purchase process and received an error message. What should I do?

回答 Answer

 The following is an explanation for cases in which you are unable to access or operate the purchase process.
If you encounter errors such as not being able to access or operate this online store, please update your browser first. If updating browser does not solve the problem, please use a different browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) and try accessing our online shop again.
Send us an e-mail with the required information below. If there is an error during the purchase process and an "error number"「エラー番号」 is displayed, please let us know that number as well.

<Required information>
・What day and time did the error happened?:
・Where did the problem happened?(Which screen?):
・What operation caused the problem?:
・What does the error message say?:
Operating Environment
・What typed of device are you using?(iPhone, Android, iPad, PC etc):
・What communication carrier are you using?( docomo,au, softbank etc):
・OS(Windows 10, MacOS/PC if you're using PC):
・Browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, etc./PC):
※Please include the version number of your OS and browser.
The product you are interested in purchasing
・Product number (alphabet + numbers, 6 digits):
・Which size would you like to purchase?:
・How many would you like to purchase?:
【Please click here to fill out the inquiry form.】