• No : 3096
  • 公開日時 : 2023/10/13 14:01
  • 印刷

How can I make a purchase (guest purchase) without registering as a member?

回答 Answer

This section explains the procedure for making a guest purchase (purchase without registering as a member) in our online store.
Add the products you wish to purchase to your shopping cart without logging in and select "Proceed to Purchase" (購入手続きへ進む).
Select/input the following information on the order confirmation screen that appears next.
① Billing Information(注文者情報)
② Shipping Method(配送方法)
③ Delivery Date & Time(お届け日時)
④ Payment Method(決済方法)
⑤ Gift Wrapping(ギフトラッピング)
⑥ Coupon Code(注文商品)
After entering the required information, please double check to make sure that the items and details of your order are correct. Once you have carefully checked your order, select "Place Order" (注文を確定する)to confirm your order and receive an "Order Confirmation" email to the email address you have provided us.
Select "Proceed to Purchase" (購入手続きへ進む) after adding the desired product(s) to your shopping cart without logging in.
At the next order confirmation screen that appears, please select " Customer who is making a first-time purchase"(はじめての方).
Select/enter the following information on the order confirmation screen that appears next.
① Billing Information(注文者情報)
② Shipping Method(配送方法)
③ Delivery Date & Time(お届け日時)
④ Payment Method(決済方法)
⑤ Gift Wrapping(ギフトラッピング)
⑥ Coupon Code(注文商品)
After entering the required information, please double check to make sure that the items and details of your order are correct. Once you have carefully checked your order, select "Place Order" (注文を確定する)to confirm your order and receive an "Order Confirmation" email to the email address you have provided us.